Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The four associate professors of the MAGRIT team actively teach at Université de Lorraine with an annual number of around 200 teaching hours in computer science, some of them being accomplished in the field of image processing. Inria researchers have punctual teaching activities in computer vision and shape recognition mainly in the computer science Master of Nancy and in several Engineering Schools near Nancy (ENSMN Nancy, SUPELEC Metz, ENSG). Our goal is to attract Master students with good skills in applied mathematics towards the field of computer vision. The list of courses given by staff members which are tightly related to image processing and computer vision is detailed below:

  • Master: Signal analysis, 50 h, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Augmented reality, 24 h, Télécom-Nancy, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Introduction to computer vision, 12 h, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Shape recognition, 15 h, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Computer vision: foundations and applications, 15 h, Université de Lorraine.

  • Master: Introduction to image processing, 21 h, École des Mines de Nancy

  • Master: Image processing for Geosciences, ENSG, 12 h.

  • Master : Introduction to signal processing and applications, 21 h, Ecole des Mines de Nancy

  • Master: Augmented reality, 24 h, M2 IHM Metz

  • Master: Augmented reality, 3 h, SUPELEC Metz.


  • PhD defended in 2015: Nazim Haouchine, Modèles physiques pour la réalité augmentée des organes déformables, Marie-Odile Berger, Stéphane Cotin (MIMESIS).

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Rolin, Calcul de pose par simulation de points de vue pour la réalité augmentée, octobre 2013, Marie-Odile Berger, Frédéric Sur.

  • PhD in progress: Charlotte Delmas, Reconstruction 3D des outils chirurgicaux en radiologie interventionnelle, avril 2013, Marie-Odile Berger, Erwan Kerrien.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Fond, Introduction de sémantique dans la modélisation urbaine dans un contexte de calcul du point de vue, octobre 2014, Marie-Odile Berger, Gilles Simon.

  • PhD in progress: Jaime Garcia Guevara, Vers une utilisation clinique de la réalité augmentée pour la chirurgie hépatique, novembre 2015, Marie-Odile Berger, Stéphane Cotin (MIMESIS).

  • PhD in progress: Raffaella Trivisonne, Image-guided real-time simulation using stochastic filtering. Novembre 2015, Erwan Kerrien, Stéphane Cotin (MIMESIS).


  • Marie-Odile Berger was external reviewer of the PhD thesis of Z. Habibi and a member of the jury for the PhD thesis of F. Chadebecq.

  • F. Sur was examinator for the PhD thesis of I. Rey-Otero.